Pregnancy complications or issues are more likely to occur in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Also, they have a higher risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, having a giant baby, and giving birth early. This might cause labor problems or necessitate a cesarean section. Moreover, newborns born to moms with PCOS are more likely to require time in the neonatal intensive care unit or pass away before, during, or immediately following birth. These risks could be brought on by pregnancy complications frequently linked to PCOS.

This begs the popular question, “how does PCOS affect pregnancy?“. Today’s blog will tell you everything you need to know about pregnancy and PCOS. If you also suffer from PCOS, consult a gynecologist in the KMC Hospital Mangalore through the Credihealth website.

What is PCOS?

A common health issue brought on by an imbalance of reproductive hormones is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), often called polycystic ovarian syndrome. The ovaries experience issues as a result of hormonal imbalance. The ovaries produce the egg discharged each month as part of a regular menstrual cycle. The egg may not mature normally or may not be released during ovulation as it initially should be if PCOS is present.

What are some signs of PCOS?

Some numerous symptoms and indicators are connected to PCOS. They may consist of the following:
irregular menstrual periods
cysts on the ovaries
weight gain
excessive face and body hair
thinning or balding head hair
insulin resistance

Acne, excessive facial and body hair, and hair loss on the scalp are some symptoms that can be linked to higher levels of the androgen hormones. All females produce these hormones, but women with PCOS have a slightly higher concentration.

6 ways that PCOS can affect pregnancy

Here we have listed the most common 6 ways that PCOS can affect pregnancy:
Loss of pregnancy before term or miscarriage-
Early pregnancy miscarriages are three times more likely to occur in PCOS-positive women than in PCOS-negative ones. According to certain studies, metformin may lower the chance of miscarriage in expecting PCOS women. Further study is required because other studies have not supported the claim that metformin lowers the risk of miscarriage.

Gestational diabetes-

This particular form of diabetes only affects expectant mothers. It can be treated, and if it is under control, neither the mother nor the fetus experiences serious consequences. The problem typically disappears when the baby is born.

Infants born to women with gestational diabetes may be significantly more extensive (requiring a cesarean or C-section [surgical] birth), have low blood sugar levels, and have breathing difficulties. Children and women with gestational diabetes are more prone to develop type 2 diabetes later in life.


After the 20th week of pregnancy, preeclampsia, a sudden rise in blood pressure, can cause damage to the mother’s kidneys, liver, and brain. Preeclampsia can develop into eclampsia if neglected. Organ damage, seizures, and even death can result from eclampsia.

The problem is primarily treated by having the infant delivered, even preterm, if necessary. Preeclampsia during pregnancy can necessitate a C-section birth, which carries significant risks for both mother and fetus.

High blood pressure during pregnancy-

An increase in blood pressure that may happen during the later half of pregnancy is the cause of this disorder. It can cause preeclampsia if left untreated. This kind of hypertension may also have an impact on childbirth.

Preterm delivery-

If a baby is born anytime before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is referred to as being “preterm.” Preterm babies are at risk for various health issues, some of which can be signed immediately after birth and later in life.

C-section or cesarean birth-

Due to PCOS-related pregnancy issues such as elevated blood pressure throughout pregnancy, pregnant women with PCOS are more likely to deliver their babies via C-section. Recovery from a C-section can take longer than a vaginal birth and can be risky for the mother and the baby because it is a surgical procedure.

How to improve the chances of pregnancy with PCOS?

Now that we have seen how PCOS affects pregnancy so, let’s talk about how you can improve your chances of pregnancy when you have PCOS.
Try to shed any extra pounds-

Your menstrual period can start if you lose 5% of your body weight. Whether weight loss aids conception in PCOS patients is a mystery to the medical profession. Yet, studies have shown that insulin resistance and obesity are linked to ovulation resistance, lower pregnancy rates, and a higher risk of pregnancy problems.

Also, as fat tissue produces estrogen, a modest weight loss could change the progesterone ratio to estrogen, facilitating ovulation.

Pay attention to healthy foods-

Consuming whole-grain foods that don’t cause spikes in blood sugar or insulin levels can help regulate hormones and reduce inflammation, which may affect fertility. Gynecologists frequently advise using a balanced plate containing half vegetables, a little fat, one-fourth protein, and one-fourth high-fiber carbohydrates (like quinoa, beans, and brown rice).

Unsaturated fats, such as the omega-3s in fish, avocado, nuts, and seeds, may help reduce androgens and enhance fertility. Avoid sugary, low-fiber food as much as possible because it can affect fertility by raising blood sugar and insulin levels.

During meals and snacks, gynecologists suggest concentrating on the following dietary groups:

Whole grains
Beans and lentils

Think about taking medication-

You can attempt drugs if lifestyle modifications are not working for you. Many gynecologists offer birth control pills as a medication to treat PCOS. Please consult your doctor before taking any medication, as medicine might change based on every person and their PCOS type.


Hopefully, this blog has answered all the questions about “how PCOS affects pregnancy.” The most crucial thing to know is that difficulties are quite real concerning PCOS and pregnancy. Thus, taking precautions to ensure a healthy pregnancy is more crucial than ever. It’s not impossible to become pregnant if you have PCOS, but it could require extra effort.

Once pregnant, seek medical consultation from a gynecologist at the KMC Hospital Mangalore using the Credihealth website. You should monitor your condition carefully and perform additional testing to give yourself the best opportunity for a safe and successful pregnancy.


    Who is more prone to PCOS?
    Women of all racial and ethnic backgrounds are susceptible to PCOS. If you are obese or have a mother, sister, or aunt with PCOS, your risk of developing the condition may increase.

    What is the average age of PCOS onset?
    Between 5% and 10% of females between the ages of 15 and 44, or those capable of having children, have PCOS. When they have trouble getting pregnant and seeing their doctor, most women in their 20s and 30s learn they have PCOS. Yet, PCOS can develop at any age following puberty.

    What triggers PCOS?
    It is unknown what causes PCOS specifically. Most specialists believe that many factors are involved, including high levels of androgens, high levels of insulin, and heredity.

    Can someone with PCOS still become pregnant?
    Yes. Even if you have PCOS, you can still become pregnant. One of the most prevalent but manageable reasons for infertility in women is PCOS.

    Will menopause make my PCOS symptoms go away?
    PCOS impacts many bodily systems. As menopause approaches, many PCOS sufferers notice that their menstrual cycles become more regular. Age does not affect the hormonal imbalance that causes PCOS. Therefore they could still experience its effects.

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